Vision: Healthy indoor environments in all Nepalese households
Mission: Save people’s lives, especially women and children below five years who are vulnerable to the consequences of indoor air pollution.
Objective: Advocate for socially inclusive, pro-poor and appropriate polices to mitigate IAP and to increase access by poor and marginalized households to cleaner fuels and technologies by bringing together groups of professionals and organizations.
Contact Information
Our Focus
Project 1: Improving Households Energy Management Practices in Sacred Himalayan Landscapes, Langtang National Park-Rasuwa Funded by GEF/UNDP Small Grant Programme
Project 2: Advocacy for Gender Sensitive Energy Policy in Nepal funded by ENERGIA Network
Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas
We believe that the information gap, poverty and accessibility are the main barriers.
We have trained local manufacturers within the programme district to construct smoke hoods. They construct this technology (smoke hoods) themselves and supply demand in the area.
We are dedicated to technology standardization and promotion. Additionally, we give equal importance for ventilation improvement.
We are doing monitoring of indoor air pollution levels (mainly CO and PM). Likewise, we are interested in monitoring stove performance.
Relevant Publications or Studies
None noted
Our Contribution to the Partnership
We have experience in technology dissemination (smoke hoods) since 2005 and have knowledge in policy research and approval from government agencies.