Water Boiling Test (WBT)

The Water Boiling Test (WBT) is a laboratory test that evaluates stove performance while completing a standard task (boiling and simmering water) in a controlled environment to investigate the heat transfer and combustion efficiency of the stove. They are the easiest, quickest, and cheapest to conduct, but reveal the technical performance of a stove, not necessarily what it can achieve in real households.

The Water Boiling Test (WBT) Version 4 was open for public comment from October 15 – December 18, 2009 and is still under review. To read the comments received, please visit ../..//testing/wbtcomment.

Correction Notice: A corrected version of the WBT data calculation spreadsheet 4.1.2 has been posted as of June 19, 2012. If you downloaded the data calculation spreadsheet on or before June 19th, please download this corrected version.

WBT_Version_3.0.pdf629.19 KB
WBT_data-calculation_sheet_3.0.xls174 KB
WBT_data_entry_forms.pdf78.5 KB
WBT4.1.2_0.pdf791.05 KB
WBT_data-calculation-sheet_4.1.2_updated_19-Jun-2012.xls279 KB