Dread & Works Enterprise


D&W Enterprise's mission in households energy is to scale up construction of biomass efficient cook-stoves, promote sustainable utilization of biomass energy through promoting biomass efficient energy technologies and help reduce indoor air pollution at the house-hold level.
-Reduce expenditure on wood fuel for household in Zambia
-Create sustainable jobs for stove makers by fostering the local production of wood fuel efficient wood-stoves
-Introduce alternative designs of wood fuel efficient stoves that are easier and cost effective to produce on the market and incorporate bio gas digester technology in the programme.

Organization Type Independent Consultant

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

Solidify stove production capacity,increase production and in installation of biomass energy efficient stoves from the current 200 per month to 600 per month.Engage the University of Zambia school of engineering in the monitoring of indoor air pollution at household level.

Fuels/Technologies: Biomass
Domestic Biogas Digester Construction
Sectors of Experience: Energy
Rural Development
Efficient Biomass Stoves, and Contruction of Biogas plants for households

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

Households are still very shy to allow strangers like a stove builder to enter their kitchens. Experience shows that this is invading their privacy . poverty is still a hindrance to promotion and efficient energy technology adaptation. Very few poor community members appreciate efficient energy technology.The enterprise is now working with various community organization such as community churches, local NGOs to bring improved stove to target groups. On commercial basis the enterprise is now servicing rural institutions such as Mission and government hospitals with installation of commercial rocket stoves.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

The promotion of efficient technology is still in infancy stage; the Government hasn't yet come up with clear policy with regards to biomass resource in Zambia. Statistics shows that wood consumption if continued at the current rate in Zambia would result in a wood deficit.In order to develop this market there is need for concerted effort from Government, private sector and NGOs etc. The enterprise is also exploring the possibilities of importing domestic rocket stoves that a well fabricated from Aprovechoal and Envirofit.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

Improved stoves are very lab our intensive to produce. Materials such as insulative bricks are expansive and need automation to produces. This has proven to be extremely difficult to standardize the technology.The enterprise is working with British volunteer organization for possible supplying of second hand plant machinery that can help improve quality of stoves and stove production.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

The current stoves and houses many rural households use and stay in, need to really improve.Rural households need basic skills in how to construct a better kitchen that uses wood as fuel. This can positively contribute to mitigate negative impact coursed by health hazards such as PM emissions.

Relevant Publications or Studies

the Enterprise wish in the near future contribute an article in PCIA magazine ( CHALLENGES OF PRODUCING IMPROVED STOVES IN ZAMBIA / FROM A PRACTITIONERS VIEW.)

Our Contribution to the Partnership

Skill and experience in efficient wood stove construction.