Dolen Ffermio (Farming Link)


The objects of Dolen Ffermio (registered charity no. 1124195), as identified in our constitution, are: a) the relief of poverty, sickness and disability of people living in developing countries or any other area of benefit identified by the trustees, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of education and training and such other services as the trustees may from time to time determine in order that they may become self supporting and that their conditions of life may be improved; and b) the advancement of education of members of the public in the United Kingdom (mainly in Montgomeryshire, Powys and Shropshire) in world food and farming issues.
We believe that household energy, indoor air pollution and health would be of great benefit to the people we are currently working with in Eastern Uganda.

Organization Type Other Organization Type

Contact Information

This information has been removed as it is likely no longer accurate

Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

We are at the development stage of work and interest in household energy, indoor air pollution and health. A partner from the UK, Carole Ashurst, is attending the PCA Forum in Kampala in March 2009 and we are hoping that two Ugandan partners, Miriam and Emmanuel Maraka will also be able to attend. A trustee of Dolen Ffermio will be joining them after the conference in order to plan the next stage of the project. Carole has considerable experience in such projects in a number of developing countries, notably Ethiopia. The Orphan Project in Kumi at present works very closely with very poor, rural communities in Kumi District to provide orphans with livestock, seedlings and training and it is planned to build on these connections.

Fuels/Technologies: Other
Dolen Ffermio has none at present
Sectors of Experience: Agriculture
Rural Development
Funding and supporting orphans within carer families in Kumi District in Eastern Uganda

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

Very close links are already in place. Miriam and Emmanuel Maraka founded the Orphan Project five years ago and spend a great deal of time consulting the elders and preparing small communities in Kumi District for the provision of gifts to the orphans and their carer families. A committee is formed to represent all sections of the community. The members are trained in the purposes of the project and how to implement it. Older orphans are chosen to be trained in animal health and plant management so that they can train and supervise the younger orphans. The training also includes healthy living measures and HIV/AIDS prevention so that they can help to encourage their peers to lead responsible and healthy lives. Miriam and Emmanuel also offer their own premises as a resource centre for young people under the auspices of the NGO CREATE (Centre for Recreation, Education and Training for Everyone).

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

Carole Ashurst has experience in this area and will be able to give advice and help to our Ugandan partners.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

Carole Ashurst has experience in this area and will be able to give advice and help to our Ugandan partners

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

Carole Ashurst has experience in this area and will be able to give advice and help to our Ugandan partners

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

Dolen Ffermio will not be able to contribute directly at present, except through our UK partner, Carole Ashurst, who has considerable skills and experience to offer the Partnership.