Center for Public Health and Environment Development (CEPHED) is a non-governmental, non-secretariat and non-profit making organization based in Kathmandu, Nepal. CEPHED was founded in October 2004 by and through the contribution, coordination with a consortium of Environment Scientists, Pharmacists, MBA, Chemical Engineer, Sociologist, Economist and public-spirited activists. The members of this organization is expanding from the people and expert from agriculture, economics, engineering, environment, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, botany, ecology, microbiology, geology, medical doctors etc. Its focus is to serve the Nepalese community in the field of public health and environmental development. Goal: Improved environment management and public health. Vision: Bridging people with science and technology for healthy living and environment safety. Mission: Acts as bridging forum between people with science and technologies to make access new scientific knowledge, technologies and safety measures of environment and public health sector through research, coordination, capacity building and policy dialogue. Approach The increased impact on public health due to pollution, urbanization, industrialization, globalization and unmanaged drug production, sales distribution and administration aimed to be reduced through scientific way to ensure healthy living and environmental development. This could be achieved by carrying out research to develop new technologies, coordinating for developed technologies and implementing those developed technologies and research finding up to local village, town and urban centers in the area of environment and public health. Objectives CEPHED will carryout its activities to fulfillment of following objectives. 1. To carryout research for development of new technology and Coordinate with the other scientific institutes and brings their developed technology, knowledge, skills up to the grass root level for healthy living and environment safety in the area of environment and public health. 2. Develop suitable laboratory to assess environment pollution and its study. 3. Help government to fulfill its objective through making access new research results, technologies to people up to village, town and urban center of the area of environmental development and public health. 4. Provide feedback and technical support to His Majesty Government of Nepal, Local Authorities, and Donor Consortium in the environment and public health related matter. 5. To enhance capacities of local people and grassroots organizations through awareness raising, training, workshops, seminar, exhibition and other easy mans of information dissemination.