Energizing Development (GIZ-DGIS), GIZ Bolivia


Enable access to modern energy to as many Bolivians as possible. We work in 4 lines of work: 1) Energy for illumunitation - grid densification, mobile solar appliances/lamps 2) Energy for cooking - biomass stoves for households and institution, connection and installation of natural gas appliances for schools 3) Energy for social infrastructure (schools, health centers) - photovoltaic systems, solar water heating, connection and installation of natural gas appliances for schools 4) Energy for productive use - crop transformation, micro irrigation, biogas.

Organization Type Government

Contact Information

Primary Contact
Mr. Klas Heising
Secondary Contact
Ms. Mariana Butron

Address Capitan Ravelo # 2334, Edificio Metrobol
La Paz, La Paz

Website www.endev-bolivia.org
Phone +591 2 211 9499
Fax +591 2 211 5256
Calling/Fax Instructions

Our Focus

Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

At least 570,000 beneficiaries from 2006-2010 in Bolivia: rural poor communities at the state and national level.

Fuels/Technologies: Biogas
grid densification electricity and natural gas
Sectors of Experience: Energy
Renewable Energy
Countries of Operation: Bolivia

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

No input

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

Strategy A: strenghtening SMEs with semi-industrial stove production, linking with microfinance. Strategy B: Complement existing government or NGO programs with stoves, e.g. housing and health programs. Strategy C: Create a market for local stove installers, paid by families.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

Implementation of a stove design and testing laboratory together with the UMSS university of Cochabamba.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

Water boiling test and controlled cooking test with IAP measurement impact analysis, interviews, observation sheets.

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

Share information about stove design, M&E, results and impacts.