The ARECOP network is made up of organizations and individuals involved in improved cookstove programs and household energy issues. The network includes 14 countries in the Asia Region. It also acts as a forum for discussions on Improved Cookstove Programs in the region. ARECOP organizes regular workshops on issues such as commercialization; kitchen improvements; and household energy and health. Key themes include improved stoves, household energy, indoor air pollution etc. The website also features: Proceedings of ARECOP regional workshops; household energy activity and contact information on member countries; issues of GLOW magazine and monthly Letters from the Secretariat; links to relevant organizations and publications for household energy and health.
Contact Information:
ARECOP Secretariat
PO. Box 19, Bulaksumur
55281 Indonesia.
Phone: 62-274-885247,
Fax: 62-21-885423
The Biomass Cooking Stoves discussion list is an active network aimed at helping promote information exchange about biomass cookstoves. It covers a wide variety of related topics, including construction, performance, dissemination, and health to name a few. The list is a good source of technical information, educational materials, and news that is contributed by numerous organizations.
The Shell Foundation's Breathe Easy Network has been closed and moved to CleanAirSIG, a special interest group on Hedon. The network aims to connect people, organizations and businesses working with Clean Indoor Air to encourage cooperation, discussion and learning. The group has an active email listserv, and will also hold regular online conferences and discussions. Visit the website above to join, or to learn more about CleanAirSIG.
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is a public-private initiative to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and combat climate change by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions.
The Alliance’s ‘100 by ’20’ goal calls for 100 million homes to adopt clean and efficient stoves and fuels by 2020. The Alliance will work with public, private, and non-profit partners to help overcome the market barriers that currently impede the production, deployment, and use of clean cookstoves in the developing world.
Over the last 25 years, GTZ has acquired valuable experience in the area of household energy, which it has been able to apply both in individual projects and in supra-regional consultancy projects. Projects produce great benefits, especially in terms of managing and exchanging knowledge and in policy consultancy. Both the previous project, the HEP household energy programme (1998-2003), and the new HERA project (2003-2009) create and encourage communication between local household energy projects and thus make use of synergies.
Contact information:
Verena Brinkmann
The “Half Million Improved Stoves for a Smokeless Peru” Campaign (Campaña Medio Millón de Cocinas Mejoradas Por un Perú sin Humo) began in June of 2009 and will last through December 2011. The campaign’s goal is to contribute to an improved quality of life for Peruvian families through the installation of certified improved stoves in half a million households, and to create development opportunities for communities.
Website features:
The first tab “La Campaña” explains general information about the campaign (operation, program components, how to take part). The second tab “Avances” consists of a “cocinómetro” which tracks the campaign’s progress (includes statistics and map of stove locations), certification lab information with evaluations of different stove models, and a calendar of monthly activities achieved through the campaign. The third tab “Documentos de Interés” provides access to documents and links related to the campaign. The fourth tab “Nuestra Agenda” includes an agenda of upcoming activities.
Note: website is in Spanish
The HEDON Household Energy Network is an informal forum dedicated to improving social, economic, and environmental conditions in the South, through promotion of local, national, regional and international initiatives in the household energy sector.
HEDON includes a collaborative discussion forum for ongoing knowledge creation and professional discussion, focusing on the following topics:
Household smoke monitoring.
Policy agenda, to develop recommendations for policy and practice on ways in which levels of indoor air pollution (IAP) can be alleviated.
Key elements in ensuring project sustainability.
Energy and HIV/AIDS.
HEDON also provides background information on household energy and health; fuels, technologies, tools and techniques; and other household energy-related resources, including links to other organizations and projects.
This regional program was implemented by the Interstate Committee to Control Drought in Sahel (CILSS) and the Sahelian States with the support of the financial partners. The Program aims to provide solutions to multiple questions involving the security of household energy supplies for the sub-region.The website contains information on household energy institutions, strategies, best products and practices in Sahelian countries. The "Intranet" section, restricted to the organisations likely to carry out interventions, contains a database of the expertise available in Sahelian countries and other useful resources. Information available in this site is based on data collected in Sahelian countries and supervised by the PREDAS technical team.
Contact Information:Email:
SPARKNET is an interdisciplinary interactive Knowledge Network focusing on energy for low-income households in Southern and Eastern Africa.. The Network includes 12 member organizations from 9 countries. It aims is to disseminate information on the household energy status of countries in Eastern and Southern Africa in addition to relevant donor policies in 3 EU countries. Key themes include household energy, forestry, gender, public health and policy. In addition, the website contains: Interactive knowledge database on member countries; bibliographic search by key issues for all regions of the world; links to SPARKNET member sites; glossary of keywords.
Contact Information:
Dr. Grant Ballard-Tremeer
The Clean Air Initiative aims to improve air quality in cities by exchanging knowledge and experiences through partnerships in Asia, Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Central Asia. CAI brings together a range of crosscutting expertise in urban development, transport, energy reform, environmental management and environmental health. Indoor air pollution is one of the topics of focus. Key features of the website include, among others: global dialogue room for participants to discuss various issues relevant to air quality; newsletter; information on CAI members by region; activities; calendar of events; and a database searchable by topic, institution and author.
Contact Information:
Tel.: +1 (202) 458-0859
Fax: +1 (202) 676-0977/8
World Bank's Clean Air Initiative Website
Address: 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433
The Clean Energy Initiative: Powering Sustainable Development from Village to Metropolis, the initiative seeks to provide millions of people in the developing world with access to affordable, reliable, clean, healthy, and efficient energy services. This U.S.-led, multi-year, initiative has three programs to achieve key goals:
Healthy Homes and Communities is promoting healthier indoor cooking and heating practices and clean transportation fuels (e.g. unleaded gasoline, low sulfur fuels) to reduce the estimated 3 million annual and readily preventable deaths associated with air pollution and unhealthy patterns of energy use. (USG lead: EPA)
The Global Village Energy Partnership is increasing access to modern and affordable energy services in areas either not served or under-served by current energy delivery systems. (USG lead: USAID)
Efficient Energy for Sustainable Development seeks to improve the productivity and efficiency of energy systems, while reducing waste and pollution, saving money, improving reliability through more energy efficient processes and production modernization. (USG lead: DOE)
For more information on these and other sustainable development partnerships, please visit
The World Health Organization, the United Nations specialized agency for health, has launched a site on indoor air pollution. The website aims to disseminate information about WHO's program on indoor air pollution and act as a resource for sharing information on household energy, indoor air pollution and health related activities. Key features include: Information on WHO's program; database on indoor air pollution; information material on indoor air pollution; and links to other organizations and entities involved in this field.
Contact Information: