Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE)


SCODE's mission is to facilitate adoption of cleaner energy technology and sustainable land use approaches through capacity building and applied research for enhanced livelihoods with concern for the environment and sustainable development. The organization has two key programmes namely: Renewable energy technologies programme; and Sustainable Land Use Management. Current Projects/Activities: (1) Improved cook stoves promotion; (2) Biogas/Bio-latrines promotion; (3) Solar (PV & Thermal) Energy promotion; (4) Regional (Eastern & Southern Africa)Training on Household Energy Conservation & Marketing; (5) Information Resource Center; (6) Agroforestry; (7) Solar Drying Technology promotion; (8) Technical Assistance to the Breathing Space Fund.(8) Managing the East African Energy Technology Development Network (EAETDN). EAETDN was established in 1998 and has 35 members in Kenya who work in various areas of energy development. The goal of the network is to reduce poverty among communities in East Africa through use of appropriate clean energy technologies. SCODE is the Chair and Focal Point of the EAETDN in Kenya.

Organization Type Non-Governmental Organization

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

SCODE works with poor rural and peri-urban populations in the the medium and high agricultural potential areas of Kenya.

Fuels/Technologies: Biogas
Liquid Petroleum Gas
Sectors of Experience: Agriculture
Renewable Energy
Countries of Operation: Kenya
South Africa

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

SCODE uses participatory tools and methods to help the target communities understand the use of traditional fuels and stoves and how the products and their roles have evolved over time. This helps all concerned to identify alternative fuels and stoves and have a better appreciation for them.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

SCODE works with local producers and suppliers for capacity building and marketing of good quality products; creates demand for clean energy products and services through social marketing campaigns and networking activities, works with research institutions and the private sector in test-marketing new products and improving marketing strategies.

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

The stoves maunfactured with SCODE's input are based on specifications provided by the Kenya Bureau of Standards. SCODE also monitors local artisans for quality control during installation of biogas/biolatrine plants. In additon, field performance and user satisfaction is monitored for improved stoves and biogas systems.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

SCODE is involved in awareness creation among poor households which use biomass fuels and kerosene in rural and peri-uban areas. Information disseminated include, adverse health impacts associated with exposure to indoor air pollution and possible ways of reducing exposure.

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted.

Our Contribution to the Partnership

We would like to receive information on indoor air pollution related activities work; contribute articles on SCODE's experience for publications related to indoor air pollution; and provide skilled personnel for development and marketing of improved ceramic stoves, biogas and solar technologies.