Atmospheric Research and Information Analysis Laboratory (ARIAL), Centre for Energy Research and Development (CERD)


The mission of atmospheric research at ARIAL is to create a multidisciplinary research environment to develop and apply techniques of basic and applied sciences to ensure that enhanced understanding of atmospheric science provides support for human health protection, as well as environmental and economic sustainability. Hence ARIAL’s focus has been on systematic observations and modeling of indoor and outdoor air quality, climate change, and basic atmospheric and anthropogenic processes, including emissions management which are associated with atmospheric change, and their impacts.

Organization Type Academia

Contact Information

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Primary Initiatives, Target Populations, and Scope of Work:

In relation to indoor air pollution management, ARIAL is involved with the following:
(1) Initiatives:
(a) Indoor Pollution Levels Monitoring (Aerosols/Gaseous Air Toxics)
(b) Emission Testing from Indoor pollution sources
(c) Building Design in Relation to indoor ventilation and impacts on indoor pollution

(2) Targets:
(a) Scientific community
(b) policy makers (national, state, and local government),
(c) NGOs
(d) Community (urban and rural) level organizations.
(d) Health and other impacts of indoor air pollution at community levels (urban to rural)

Fuels/Technologies: Alcohol Fuels
Liquid Petroleum Gas
Sectors of Experience: Agriculture
Renewable Energy
Countries of Operation: Uganda

Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas

Social/Cultural barriers to using traditional fuels and stoves:

Information on emissions and source emissions management,pollution levels and impacts form the basis for outreach. Outreach programmes are desgined to bring new information on managing indoor pollution to communities, to ensure that such scientifically derived information are useful in breaking existing cultural and social bariers.

Market development for improved cooking technologies:

Non is planned yet as part of systematic program

Technology standardization for cooking, heating and ventilation:

Standardization of monitoring and modelling technologies to attain optimum results.

Indoor air pollution exposure and health monitoring:

All levels of monitoring are undertaken. See information on "Initiatives/Targets"

Relevant Publications or Studies

None noted

Our Contribution to the Partnership

By learning how the partnership operates and functions, ARIAL would be able to contribute and share knowledge and experiences.