At the 2009 Forum PCIA Partners committed to lead, co-lead, or align with others on a wide range of tasks in support of the Partnership's mission. Browse the list below, and visit the message board to add your own!
- Lead: PCIA must assist with stove promoters for developing, marketing, innovating, and funding stoves. Next PCIA Forum must be held in a French speaking country. I can lead.
Moussa Yattara, TISSINA-Sarl; - Lead: I would like to lead in using Rocket Stove and Rocket Ovens since I have a long experience in using them.
Kristoms Bakery; - Lead: Can be focal point for clean indoor air training in Cambodia and neighboring countries.
Yohanes Iwan Baskoro, GERES Cambodia; - Add list of testing parameters and tests database; offer to cooperate to establish standards for monitoring
ECO Ltd, Raffaella; - Lead: Dissemination of improved stove cookstoves
GTZ, Bangladesh; and - Lead/Co-lead: SNV can lead/co-lead the formulation of quality standards for biogas stoves
Prakesh Ghimire, SNV Asia; - Organizing national/regional workshops on standards
M. Khalequzzaman, Bangladesh; - Lead: Lead in Asia to do stove testing and design improvement to set-up benchmarks or Asia ICS/respective country networks
ARECOP, Christina Aristanti; - Lead: Paul Anderson will lead effort for testing of the ‘air-controlled’ gasifier cookstoves.
Biomass Energy Foundation; - Lead/Co-lead: Setting the standard for the metal type to be used in stove improvement because this accounts for heat dissipation.
John Bosco Oribakiriho, Makarere University; - Safe Environment Conservation Management wants to mobilize other stove manufacturers specially institutional stoves to test their stoves in collaboration with other lead organizations like GTZ/PREEEP, John Munyansanga;
- Lead: offer to lead in Kenya on the three strategic objectives. Familiarizing with testing, establishing standards, educating organizations on the standards.
Hellen N. Owala, Practical Action, - GTZ Bolivia offers all the resources (tools, equipment, and knowledge) of our stove testing center at UMSA University in La Paz, for other projects.
Mariana Butron, GTZ - Energía Bolivia; - We are offering to do stove tests for all the stoves we are promoting and share results with PCIA.
Pamela Mahila, GTZ Kenya Stove Team;, - Offering in-house experience in respect of energy efficiency, technology dissemination, intervention at the household level in developing countries but integrated with carbon funding.
Elena Custura; - Lead: Protocol resolution and methods technology committee. I guess I’m leading but we need your support!
Tami Bond, ETHOS; - Establish work within our area of intervention (Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Ghana, Belize, India, Thailand)
Javier Saldivar, Pro Peru; - GTZ HERA will financially support to finalize the IAP guidelines from WHO
- GEO is willing to share all the 15 stove designs to the PCIA partners and provide any support.
Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy, GEO; - Lead or co-lead when it comes to stove testing especially with CCT and KPT, setting national standards.
Habiba Ali, - Lead/Co-lead: Biomass Energy Foundation, via Paul Anderson will lead/co-lead issues of charcoal qualities related to biochar and replacement of charcoal stoves.
Biomass Energy Foundation;
- Co-lead: My organization offers to partner with PCIA and specifically Aprovecho to establish stove production, testing and improvement center in Kenya.
Gabriel O. Achayo, - Co-lead: co-lead with Crispin Pemberton Pigott on stove testing with flue gas emission analyzers.
Paul Anderson, Biomass Energy Foundation; - Co-lead/Align: I would like to co-lead and align with developing national standards in Nigeria.
Adeola I. Eleri, ICEED, Nigeria; - Promotion of improved cookstoves and increasing their access to all! Sharing on criteria needed to follow in order to reach standards.
James Kakeeto; - Co-lead: Co-lead in stove testing in Rwanda with the lead of Ministry of Infrastructure. "mobilisation role".
CARE Rwanda; - Co-Lead: towards standards
Jorgdieter Anhalt, Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Energias Renováveis; - Co-lead: Working with other solar promoters to test and agree on standards or protocols
Marie-Ange Binagwaho, Solar Household Energy; and Margaret Owino, Solar Cookers International; - Co-Lead: Offer to co-lead in stove testing activities for other projects in South America (with Aprovecho and PCIA)
Mariana Butron, GTZ - Energía Bolivia; - I would be happy to help set standards. My expertise would be in emissions stands rather than stove cooking performance.
Philip K. Hopke, Jefferson Science Fellow; - We would like to offer our expertise and infrastructure to help develop stove performance standards for India.
Priya Karve, ARTI, India;
- Align: would like to align our stove testing and deploying with PCIA’s goals. We have a blank slate with stove strategy now.
Andrew Dinsmore, TIST; - CEDESOL will vocally support and put into local practice the recognized stove protocols, and commit to publishing or communication results.
David Whitfield, CEDESO; - Align: My organization and I would like to align with PCIA and Uganda National Bureau of Standards and the Energy Ministry to come up with a national standard for improved stoves.
David A. Mukisa, KEAN Development Enterprises Ltd; - Align: Align with organizations promoting clean development mechanisms
Sserwanga Hadija; - Align: I’m providing my know-how in stove monitoring (mostly IAP) by providing training sessions to regional groups that may benefit from such trainings.
Zohir Chowdhury, San Diego State University; - Align: Offer to align with institutions conducting tests particularly measuring emissions and monitoring and evaluation work.
Chimwemwe A.P.S. Msukwa, Development Technical Assistance Services; - Align: Align with design improvement and marketing methods.
Richard Grinnell, HELPS; - Align: Align on global standard by developing a model to understand what stove emissions levels are needed to achieve health-protective air quality
Dana Charron, Berkeley Air Monitoring; - Align: Align on the 3 strategies
Francis Songela, Energy for Sustainable Development; - Align: Align with others in the formulation of standards
Bryan Jumba; EAETDN-Uganda, - Align: I offer to align with leaders for setting ‘national standards in India'.
Laxmi Prakash Semwal, Shri Jagdamba Samiti; - Align/Co-lead: IAP monitoring
Atif Sohail, STREET;