Using Stove Emissions Data to Estimate Air Quality

On September 13, 2016 Winrock International and the U.S. EPA hosted a webinar titled "Using Stove Emissions Data to Estimate Air Quality: An overview of World Health Organization (WHO) current modeling approaches and future plans". The webinar provided background on how stove emissions can be related to concentrations of indoor air quality and vice versa. The modeling approach described is the same as that used for the development of the emissions guidance in the International Workshop Agreement 11:2012: Guidelines for evaluating cookstove performance; and the WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Household Fuel Combustion.

In addition to describing how the model can be used to estimate air quality or derive emissions targets, the presentation included background on the WHO’s work on providing guidance in the household energy sector and planned future activities. These future activities include expanding the model’s capabilities (e.g., accounting for stove stacking), as well as providing an interactive web version of the model for which regionally-based data can be input for more relevant local application. This webinar featured Heather Adair-Rohani and Jessica Lewis from WHO, Nigel Bruce from University of Liverpool & WHO and Michael Johnson from Berkeley Air Monitoring Group.

You can view the full recording of the event HERE. Presentation slides are available in PDF format below.

Webinar_13Sept2016_Emissions Data.pdf.pdf3.93 MB