Zamorano develops leaders through rigorous education programs based on academic excellence, learning-by-doing, values and character development, entrepreneurship and Pan Americanism; and contributes to the region´s economic development through applied research and outreach activities which support its education programs. Zamorano is initiating a project called Improved Stoves Certification Center financed by The Philanthropy Workshop (TPW) of the Rockefeller Foundation, focusing in the evaluation of seven types of stoves (justa, onil, eco-fogón, incahuasi, malena, patsari and rocket). The parameters that will be evaluated are: heating efficiency, main gaseous emissions, fuel consumption, preparation time, model deterioration, cost beneefit evaluation, security, acceptance of the product and family member´s health state. To start this project, Zamorano has acquired a Portable Emissions Measurement System (PEMS) and an Indoor Air Pollution Meter (IAP) from the Aprovecho Research Center in Oregon, United States; Zamorano´s staff has been trained in the use of the equipment to develop the Water Boiling Test, Controlled Cooking Test and the Kitchen Performance Test. It is important to mention that Aprovecho will accompany the development of the project. Zamorano´s vision is to become a Regional Evaluation Center for Improved Stoves in Latin America.
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Our Focus
The proposed project targets the installation of a certification center for improved stoves in Zamorano University by accomplishing the following objectives:• Evaluate heating efficiency by type of fuel and pollution production of seven of the most commonly used improved stoves, and a normal stove in campus.• Test the same stoves’ efficiency and pollution production within households at Yeguare Valley.• Create a certification standard on stove construction materials, to be used for projects and direct sales in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. Zamorano´s vision is to become a Regional Evaluation Center for Improved Stoves in Latin America.
Our Experience And Interest In The Four PCIA Central Focus Areas
Zamorano has a wide experience working with communities and in implementing development projects, additionally, having students from 23 countries and based on the learning-by-doing philosophy, students can understand and learn what makes a good stove not only from a technical perspective but from a social perspective, considering acceptance and performance levels depending on the food locally cooked. Zamorano also carries out extension projects at the national and international level, therefore the knowledge can be easily disseminated through our projects. Zamorano´s experience has showed that communities respond to results, consequently it is extremely important the indoor air pollution and socio-economic impact monitoring. Due to this, Zamorano invested in the indoor air pollution meter and has a social instrument to demonstrate to the communities the advantages of the new stove.
Zamorano has been directly involved in increasing the profitability of rural companies in Central America through the Rural Business Development Program (PROEMPREZA), financed by the IDB and later by the European Community. Since 1996, this project has contributed to the development of small and mid-size agricultural businesses. Zamorano continues to assist this agribusiness sector in optimizing its production and applying modern know-how in marketing, processing and quality control, all while acting with environmental responsibility. The project has recently supported over 100 small agribusinesses, training over 1,500 partners in nine departments of Honduras. Special emphasis is placed on gender roles in rural economy, supporting groups of women participants to obtain greater success in their efforts. In time, the owners of such companies show a high level of self confidence, make better business decisions and are more economically, socially and environmentally responsible. Specifically for improved cooking technologies, Zamorano will first focus on testing and later on will explore if there is any rural companies interested in market improved cooking technologies.
At the end of the first phase of the project, Zamorano has the interest of publish the results of the project presenting stoves´ dimensions and their performance, comparing them to the benchmarks for the Water Boiling Test proposed by the Aprovecho Research Center. Based on lections-learned in previous projects, Zamorano considers that the standardization is an important tool to improve the quality of life in the communities.
An important activity that Zamorano will carry out in the coming months is the evaluation of the following security and health parameters: external temperature monitoring, risks and damages to users, risk and damages to goods, pulmonary capacity, blood pressures tests and air quality monitor (using the IAP meter).
Relevant Publications or Studies
None noted
Our Contribution to the Partnership
Zamorano can carry out the evaluation of new designed stoves in the laboratory on campus, but also in the field, for the Latin American Region; also, Zamorano is willing to share its experience in training and working with communities and the lections-learned. In addition, Zamorano can implement development and research projects in order to contribute to the Partnership knowledge and to science. Furthermore, Zamorano can be a host institution for conventions, regional meetings, internships, etc.