Queen Mary University London | Academia |
Rahman Renewable Energy Co. | Private Industry |
Rakai women's Effort to save the Environment (RAWESE) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Reach Out Nkokonjeru Parish HIV/AIDS Initiative | Non-Governmental Organization |
Regional Programme to Promote Household and Alternative Energies in the Sahel (PREDAS) | Multilateral |
Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Institute (REEEI) | Academia |
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership | Academia |
Renewgen Systems Inc. | Independent Consultant |
Research Institute for Development (RIDEV) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Reseau de Geston de Ressources Naturelles et Decentralisation | Non-Governmental Organization |
Resource Development Foundation (RDF) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Resource Efficient Agricultural Production - Canada (REAP - Canada) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Restio Energy | Independent Consultant |
Rico Pintor - Private Consultant | Academia |
Rift Technologies | Independent Consultant |
Rotary Club of Fresno | Non-Governmental Organization |
RTI International | Non-Governmental Organization |
Rural African Renewable Energy Project | Non-Governmental Organization |
Rural Agency for Sustainable Development (RASD) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Rural Energy Development Programme | Non-Governmental Organization |
Rural Mutual Development | Non-Governmental Organization |
Rural Region and Agro-forestry Development Centre (RRAFDC) | Non-Governmental Organization |
Safe Environment Conservation Management | Private Industry |
Safeline Microfinance Bank Limited | Other Organization Type |
Samaru College of Agricultue | Academia |
Samuchit Enviro Tech Pvt Ltd | Private Industry |
San Diego State University | Academia |
Sanjay Technoplast Pvt. Ltd. | Private Industry |
SeaChar (AKA The Seattle Biochar Working Group) | Non-Governmental Organization |
SEED Bangla Foundation | Non-Governmental Organization |
SENCICO | Government |
Servals Automation Private Limited | Private Industry |
SET DEM FREE INTERNATIONAL | Non-Governmental Organization |
SHARAN | Non-Governmental Organization |
Shell Foundation | Private Industry |
Shengzhou Stove Manufacturer | Private Industry |
Shourav Social Welfare Foundation | Non-Governmental Organization |
Shri Jagdamba Samiti | Non-Governmental Organization |
Siddique Sanitation | Other Organization Type |
Sierra Carbon Solutions | Private Industry |
Sierra Club | Non-Governmental Organization |
SilverCeramicSystems.com | Other Organization Type |
SimGas BV | Private Industry |
Simplified Technologies For Life | Private Industry |
SIRL Technologies Limited | Carbon Project Developer |
SKG SANGHA | Non-Governmental Organization |
Small World Carbon | Carbon Project Developer |
smallsolutions | Other Organization Type |
SMEFUNDS | Non-Governmental Organization |
SNV Laos | Non-Governmental Organization |